You can learn from the mistakes of others—so how about learning 215 tough lessons in a single read? That’s What HuffPost Business wanted to offer readers by asking over 200 influencers and experts what their worst mistake was. I’m happy to share mine in hopes that nobody else stumbles down this same road! Not having a clearly defined goal is the worst mistake people can make in all aspect of their lives. If you want people to talk about your product or services, that’s great, but what’s the purpose? How are you gauging this?

You need to know what your goals are and be able to explain them. In many cases, establishing an ROI behind every business move you make is even better. If you’re not making money, one day you’ll have to stop, right? So what happens when you don’t know if you’re making money or not?

Not having clear goals can be detrimental in other parts of your life, too. Consider this: You want to lose weight, make more money, or be happier. How much weight, how much money, and what do you mean by happiness?

Find out 214 more mistakes here:


215 Influencers & Experts Tell Me Their Worst Influencer Marketing Mistake-with John Rampton